We have 1 Puppy Available as of May 2023!!
We welcomed a beautiful litter of 4 healthy puppies on December 21, 2022. 3 have been in show ring already at puppy matches. We may let 1 more female go to a loving pet home.
July 20, 2016 was the last time we had a litter of Bichon puppies. So this new litter is very special to us. We breed for quality and NEVER quantity! We are a very selective breeder! We are here to better and preserve the Bichon breed. Also some of our puppies form the past, visit us for boarding while their owners are on vacation. We are committed to our dogs life long and love getting visits from them and spending time with them!
See the>> “Bichon Frise” <<page for more info about our dogs.
Below you can see photos of our puppy Violet who is available. We added lots of details so you can see how much we care for our pups with all the little details.
Available Puppies
We have 1 puppy available
email or text us for more photos of Holly.

Bichon frise puppy Holly at 7 weeks old sitting

Bichon frise puppy Holly at 7 weeks old standing
Adopted Puppies
This girl below has been adopted.
Health Info & Updates
First Nail Trim: on 12-24-22 (3 days old) the puppies had their first nail trim so they would not scratch their mommy while nursing. Healthy puppies have fast growing nails!
Potty Training: We started training these pups to use puppy pads on 1-10-23. The pups were only 19 days old but they had already started to move around and looked for a place to potty away from their bed.
First Bites of Food: We started giving them their first bites of food on 1-17-23 (26 days old). We gave them raw fresh goat’s milk form local goats, canned pumpkin, and tiny bits of cooked meat.
First Haircut: Our little Bichons coats grow fast and on 1-26-23 (5 weeks old) they already needed hair removed from around their eyes. They had their first mini grooming session.
First Bath: They had their first bath 1-31-23 (6 weeks old).
Preventative Deworming: Pyrantel Pamoate given on 2-8-23 and agin on 2-17-23
Vaccines Given: DA2PP given on 2-28-23
Parasite Test: Fecal float with Giardia done on 2-28-23. It was negative at Samaritan Animal Hospital.
Vet Check: Dr Corea Choi at Samaritan Animal Hospital gave all 4 puppies a clean bill of health on 2-28-23. Normal temperatures, bright and alert healthy puppies, strong knees, clean eyes and noses.
Adopted Girl

Bichon frise puppy Violet at 13 weeks old playing with her bow
Status: Adopted
Adoption Cost: Her fee is high because of the money we have invested to breed a healthy puppy. All health testing was done on both parents with OFA. We also flew from CA to FL for this breeding and had many travel fees and cost at the vet along with stud fee. We are not making money and are not even braking even for this litter. It cost many thousands of dollars to produce and care for healthy dogs.
Sex: Female
Name: Violet
ID Color: Purple
Sire & Dam: Seeco (AKC# NP68867301) & Ariel (AKC# NP50451301)
Birth Date: December 21, 2022
Weight at Birth: 5 & 3/8 oz
Weight at 1 week old: 9 & 5/8 oz
Weight at 2 weeks old: 1 lb 1 & 1/2 oz
Weight at 3 weeks old: 1 Ib 8 & 1/2 oz
Weight at 4 weeks old: 1 Ib 14 & 7/8 oz
Weight at 5 weeks old: 2 Ib 4 & 3/8 oz
Weight at 6 weeks old: 2 Ib 8 & 3/8 oz
Weight at 7 weeks old: 2 Ib 14 & 3/8 oz
Weight at 8 weeks old: 3 Ib 1 oz
Weight at 10 weeks old: 3 Ib 13 oz
Weight at 12 weeks old: 4 Ib 3 oz
Weight at 13 weeks old: 5 Ib 1 oz
About: Violet was the 2nd puppy born in her litter. She has the cutest face! At just 1 week old, her pink nose had turned all black! This means she has great pigment. Even her closed eyes had already developed the lovely dark haloes all adult Bichons should have. She is one of the smaller pups in the litter but sometimes weighed the exact same weight as her sister. All pups were very close in size. She came into the world as a very strong hungry puppy and was the most active at birth during feeding. She LOVES her food even until this day! She is one of the most playful pups and often wants to be the boss of the others even her big brother. She enjoys being in your lap but has to be reminded to share your lap with other dogs. She is inquisitive and likes to watch and see what everyone is up to and then gets in the middle of it. Her personality is loving and but she’s also got some spunk and fire in her. She has a nice shape body and a great tail set that is carried over her back. She wants your attention and says “hey, look at me”!. She knows how to use the doggy door and learning to dink from a doggy water bottle. She is puppy pad trained in our home but as always, it will need to be reinforced in a new home. She is not afraid of our big dog and she likes to chase the cat to try and play with kitty.

Violet at birth 12-21-22

Bichon frise puppy Violet at 1 week old 12-28-22

Bichon frise puppy Violet at 2 weeks old

Bichon frise puppy Violet at 3 weeks old

Bichon frise puppy Violet at 4 weeks old

Bichon frise puppy Violet at 5 weeks old

Bichon frise puppy Violet at 5 weeks old standing

Bichon frise puppy Violet at 6 weeks old

Bichon frise puppy Violet at 6 weeks old standing

Bichon frise puppy Violet at 7 weeks old

Bichon frise puppy Violet at 13 weeks old