

List of creature care info on dogs:

“Changing your Dog’s Food”

“Choosing A Dog Food”

“Cleaning your Dog’s Ears”

“Dogs with High Energy”

“Matted Fur in Dogs”

“Saving a Fur Bearing Dog”

“What Do Vets Know About Dog Food”

“When to trim your dog’s nails”

“Your Dog’s Dental Hygiene is Important”

We are always adding new info on how to care for all kinds of God‘s creatures!  See the tab in the menu above titled “Creature Care Info”.  Hover over each drop down menu to learn how to care for all kinds of pets.

4 Responses to Dogs

  1. admin says:

    Hello Bell
    Yes, if your dog’s nails are very long I would not take him/her on walks until the nails have been trimmed. The bone structure and tendons of the dog’s foot will have a lot of pressure placed on them from the overgrown nails and will cause pain. Even just walking around the house or yard is painful to a dog that has very overgrown nails.

    PS I am so sorry I did not reply sooner to your question. Somehow I missed it and just now found it. Questions can also be emailed directly to me at

  2. Bell says:

    On trimming dogs nails, do you recommend not exercising your dog until you can get his nails trimmed? Will that put too much pressure on his legs???

  3. admin says:

    Most pet stores carry training books; you can also find dog training books on ebay or Barnes and Noble. I don’t have a particular book to recommend.

  4. Bell says:

    Can you recommend any good dog training books and where I might be able to find them? My dig has high energy and needs some training. I have found running him daily helps to keep him calm.


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